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Saved by Heather Benway
on April 15, 2014 at 12:29:06 pm




Welcome to the Coastal Carbon Synthesis Wiki Site! This is an activity being co-coordinated by the North American Carbon Program (NACP) and the Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program. Anyone may read these pages; if you wish to contribute, please contact the wiki administrator to obtain editing permission.







The contribution of coastal margins to regional and global carbon budgets is not well understood, largely due to limited information about the magnitude, spatial distribution, and temporal variability of carbon sources and sinks in coastal waters. Building on recommendations put forth during the 2005 North American Continental Margins (NACM) Synthesis and Planning Workshop and progress made since then, the Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program has been collaborating with the North American Carbon Program (NACP) to develop a Coastal Synthesis Activity to stimulate the synthesis of observational and modeling results on carbon cycle fluxes and processes along the North American continental margins.  This activity has been divided geographically into five regions: East Coast, West Coast, Gulf of Mexico, Arctic, and Great Lakes. In December 2010, OCB and NACP convened a coastal synthesis community workshop sponsored by NASA.  During the workshop, participants compiled spreadsheets of regional data sets, process studies, and modeling resources that could be helpful in quantifying regional carbon fluxes. To follow up on the progress made at this larger community workshop, a series of smaller, more focused regional team meetings are being held.  The primary outcome of these meetings will be the development of preliminary regional carbon budgets based on existing data and modeling resources. To get involved in coastal synthesis activities for a particular region, please visit the regional wiki page and/or contact the regional leader (listed below).



Regional Coastal Carbon Synthesis wiki pages and team leaders

East Coast - Ray Najjar (PSU), Marjy Friedrichs (VIMS), Wei-Jun Cai (UDel)

West Coast - Simone Alin (NOAA/PMEL), Burke Hales (OSU)

Gulf of Mexico - Paula Coble (USF)

Arctic - Jeremy Mathis (NOAA/PMEL)

Great Lakes - Galen McKinley (U Wisc)



Coastal Synthesis Literature and Manuscript Preparation

To download or submit papers that are relevant to this activity, please click here. If you are preparing a manuscript related to this activity, we have come up with a searchable acronym to help link all of our activities together. It is Coastal CARbon Synthesis (CCARS). Please use this acronym in your manuscripts and be sure to acknowledge the coordination efforts of the North American Carbon Program (NACP) and Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program, so that all of these manuscripts can be recognized as contributing to this larger activity.



Funding Opportunities

For upcoming funding opportunities relevant to the coastal synthesis activities, please visit the funding opportunities page.




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