West Coast

Welcome to the West Coast Coastal Synthesis page!

Coordinators: Simone Alin and Samantha Siedlecki


March 2014 Update

A west coast carbon synthesis workshop is scheduled for March 19-20, 2014 in Seattle, WA. This meeting will update and build on the initial carbon budget published by Simone and colleagues in the Fall 2012 OCB Newsletter. Relevant documents (teleconference notes, agenda, etc.) and publications/literature can be found here




We are currently working toward developing carbon budgets for four sub-regions along the Pacific Coast of North America.  The four sub-regions are:
The goal of this activity is to synthesize what has been learned about carbon cycling in the Pacific coastal ocean of North America since the North American Continental Margins report was written.  The synthesis effort is being performed under the auspices of the North American Carbon Program (NACP) and the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program, with funding from the agencies of the Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group.
We are focusing on five process areas: 
Within these categories, we plan to compile and synthesize estimates published in the literature, from new data sets (to the extent they are available), and to identify gaps in what we know about carbon fluxes within each of these areas.  We started to compile what information exists for the West Coast region as a whole during the Coastal Synthesis workshop that was held in conjunction with Fall 2010 AGU.  The outcome of this effort should be a series of papers, to be organized into a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal (TBD), along with papers resulting from the synthesis efforts in the other North American coastal regions (East Coast, Arctic, Gulf of Mexico, and Great Lakes).  Please contribute your thoughts and expertise to this rough draft of an outline for sub-regional carbon budget papers.  Along the way, we plan to have a meeting sometime next winter (2012) within the West Coast region and to have a second workshop with all North American regions in conjunction with the 2012 OCB Summer Workshop.

Since you are here, please visit this Google docs spreadsheet and make sure that your name is listed under the appropriate columns for the sub-region(s) and process groups that you would like to participate in (note that there are two tabs to look at and update if needed).  If you have not already been in touch with Simone Alin about participating in this activity, please contact her to make sure your email address gets added to the appropriate lists.  If you are new to this effort or were not able to join our recent telecons, you can see the notes and slides from the July 28 and Aug. 2 telecons here.
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