
Gulf of Mexico coastal carbon workshop MARCH 2013

Page history last edited by Heather Benway 11 years, 8 months ago

Gulf of Mexico regional team meeting - March 27-28, 2013 (St. Petersburg, FL) 


Lead Coordinators: Paula Coble (pcoble@mail.usf.edu), Heather Benway (hbenway@whoi.edu)




Coastal boundary: 50-m isobath


River plume: 28-PSU salinity cutoff (the location of this cutoff varies by season) - get plume area and plume area monthly climatology (courtesy of R. Hetland)


Draft Flux Chapters: See status below. Please contact Heather Benway to obtain flux chapter drafts

  • Air-sea exchange - first draft complete, edits underway
  • Primary productivity - first draft complete, edits underway
  • Fluxes in estuaries -  first draft complete, edits underway
  • Submarine groundwater discharge - first draft complete, edits underway
  • Cross-shelf flux - first draft complete, edits underway
  • Respiration and NCP - first draft in progress (contact: Gary Hitchcock)
  • Riverine fluxes - first draft in progress (contact: Beth Boyer)




The agenda with links to the presentations is listed below. The participant list is available here.


MEETING LOGISTICS PAGE - includes details about booking flights, hotel, meeting venue, ground transportation, ride-sharing, parking, and travel reimbursement



Gulf of Mexico Coastal Carbon Synthesis Workshop


March 27-28, 2013

U.S. Geological Survey, St. Petersburg, FL


Wednesday - March 27, 2013


08:00            Breakfast (catered at USGS)


08:30            Welcome and opening remarks (P. Coble)


08:35            History and overview of the Coastal Carbon Synthesis activities (H. Benway)


08:50            Gulf of Mexico Carbon Budget: Existing budget and progress to date (P. Coble) - Discussion of choices for GMx regional boundaries  


09:20            Group presentations (15 min presentations followed by 15 min discussion)

                      09:20-09:50            Riverine input (E. Boyer)

                      09:50-10:20            Air-sea fluxes (L. Robbins)


10:20            Break


10:30            Group presentations (cont’d)

                      10:30-11:00           Primary production (S. Lohrenz)

            11:00-11:30            Respiration and NCP (G. Hitchcock)

            11:30-12:00            Exchange at the ocean boundary (K. Fennel)


12:00            Lunch (catered at USGS)


13:00            Group presentations (cont’d)

                      13:00-13:30            Fluxes in estuaries, sediment-water exchange (C. Osburn, M. Herrmann)

            13:30-14:00            Submarine groundwater discharge (C. Smith)


14:00            Breakout groups (each group will have an assigned space, see signage)


Breakout discussion guidelines

  •     Identify key uncertainties in the revised flux estimates, including regions of GMx with sparse data coverage
  •     Develop short-term (6-12 months) strategy to improve flux estimates
  •     Make long-term research recommendations  


15:15            Break


15:45            Breakout groups (cont’d)


17:30            Adjourn


18:30            Group dinner



Thursday - March 28, 2013


08:00            Breakfast (catered at USGS)


08:30            Breakout Reports (15 minutes each)

Riverine input

Fluxes in estuaries, sediment-water exchange

Submarine groundwater discharge

Air-sea fluxes

Primary production

Respiration and NCP

Exchange at the ocean boundary


10:15            Break


10:30            Group discussion – revisit the GMx carbon budget with new flux estimates from workshop (P. Coble moderate)


11:30            Group discussion - final recommendations (P. Coble and H. Benway moderate)


12:30 Lunch (catered at USGS, box lunches to take)




1:30-4:00 Team leaders meet to outline report

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